Monday, December 17, 2012

Why Bulgarian ladies seek for a husband abroad

Why Bulgarian lady seek for a husband abroad.

"They want their children to be happy and have a secure future life, and this is not quite impossible with the current situation in Bulgaria. 
"There are not enough men in Bulgaria to find a partner.
"Some Bulgarian men are terrible, not very well brought up, some of them have bad manners and last but not least the lack of enough financial stability.
All the statements are true to a great extent. But at the same time none of them gives you a real reason. The real and fundamental reason why women look for a life partner abroad is that they are not happy in their love life and cannot find a suitable partner in Bulgaria. It's that simple! Bulgarian women want to love and be loved. Security and a better life go as a part of the package.

Posted by Velida
Bulgarian Dating and Marriage Agency

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