Invoked day for the young men who will encounter various obstacles or troubles in their attempts to realize the plans for today.
Bad news related to women.
Men will expect a problem to solve by itself. Somewhere might get, but definitely not count on it. Read more here: Astro Velida- weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes. 2013 Horoscope.
IF YOU ARE BORN ON DATE 20: You’ll find your best working place in a small company and in friendly atmosphere. You’re not much into widening in bigger circles and you are satisfied to work with others, instead of taking the biggest responsibility to work alone. You could be a great politician or orator, although you’re better writing on a paper than speaking in front of audience. You’re sympathetic and loving, capable of collecting much knowledge, but you need a good education. You could work very well in the area of the real estates or law where the attention for the small details is important. You have a great affinity toward the nature, home, the family and the friends. You like to help but you dislike the physical work. MORE:
IF YOU CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY ON MARCH 20, 2013: During this year you'll be subordinate of your ideals. Now actually is the time for inside growing and change in you. Right now you'll check and specify your principles and feelings that leaded you in your work, business, home, family and in your relations. Don't worry to start the rationalization from the bottom, and when you're sure everything is fine there, its honest and correct, you'll have good results till the end of the year. If you don't check everything well, you could fail. Successes for those who are in the religion, psychology and occultism field, even some could have a spiritual enlightenment and this to turn their life. The only serious problems could be in your home and family.
WORK: You can have successes if you are leaded by the human relations with the people and your partners. If you're rashly you could lose the good tendencies and to lose.
FINANCES: Good financial and material prosperity, you will only need to make some restrictions to avoid loses.
HEALTH: Take care for your nerves; be careful with electricity and mechanical things. Problems with ulcer, colitis, stomach, blood pressure, heart, eyes.
EMOTIONS: You'll be devoted more on the spiritual. You'll be enlightenment. Problems with kids or parents but without serious consequences. MORE:
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